Adorable design and excellent quality exact replica of online photo item met my expectations on all levels. Joyce is this store's owner and she was lovely to interface with. You won't be sorry nor disappointed if you patronize joyce as she is charming, professional and considerate with a vast inventory.
Marsha Benjamin – NYC
They absolutely loved it. Thank you! Thank you! I also read the page on your website about you and think that it is wonderful that you are doing what you really enjoy. Hope to be in that position someday.
Tom Mannion- Handshake Software
We received ours on Monday! Getting calls from clients as they are all getting theirs too. Thanks for all your up and above help and patience. The gift box looks very professional and we are pleased.
Ketra Kuniej- Chicago Illinois
Just wanted to thank you for taking care of this order for my daughter. Kelsey was very happy to say the least. Thanks for helping me provide some TLC all the way from Chicagoland
Marina – Puerto Rico
My order was particularly tricky, and the people at Creative Gifts to Go worked so hard to get my gift basket to its intended recipient! I would definitely order from them again. I just feel like they really care about their customers.
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