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Unexpected Moments of Inspiration Are Creative Gifts From God

A Creative Gift from God


You never know when you’ll suddenly happen upon an unexpected moment of inspiration.

I only live a short drive from the Grand Canyon and have visited it many times.

I’m not sure what I was expecting but the first time I ever saw it back in 1960, I was a little disappointed. Sure, it was massive, beautiful, impressive but as I told my husband, “it’s just like looking at a postcard.”

I visited the Grand Canyon once again last week. Once again, it was massive, beautiful, impressive and was like looking at a postcard. But there was an unexpected moment that made the Grand Canyon suddenly come alive and become more than just a view.

A group of Japanese tourists, standing at the edge of Mather Point, suddenly began singing in unison:

O, lord , my God
When I, in awesome wonder
Consider all the world’s thy hands have made
I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power thru out the universe displayed Then sings my soul my savior God to thee
How great thou art how great thou art
Then sings my soul my God to thee
How great thou art how great thou art

As I stood there, looking down on that group of tourist as their voices echoed through the Canyon, it was truly “How Great Thou Art!” as I saw the Grand Canyon with new eyes.

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