It's Not the Numbers that Count!
I enjoy what I do far too much. I’m healthy, mentally competent (although some might say otherwise), and excited to wake up another day.
Like Clint, I find new approaches to life with age and am still learning. I’m constantly figuring out what I’m going to do next. I don’t feel 80 because I don’t know what 80 is supposed to feel like. I remember when I thought 65 was old but that is young and a lot of people don’t even make it that far. I consider myself to be lucky and blessed to reach this milestone still in good health and still looking forward to each day.
Every age and stage in life has its own benefits and I’ve been through several, discarding old beliefs ideas and technology while learning new things along the way.
When I was in my 30’s, I was in the glorious stage of motherhood where even then, I wasn’t content to just be an everyday housewife. I was on the City Council, Planning Commission, School Board, and even my Church Council. That period in my life was exciting with lots of learning experiences.
Later, as I became an empty nester, I ventured into the world of entrepreneurship with no idea of what it was. Self-taught, I created, built an sold a statewide newspaper. Lots more learning.
Fast forward to today, which I think is the best stage of all. There are no requirements of me, other than being a good person, no financial or health worries, and all the time in the world to do anything I want to do. What could be better?
One of the gifts of getting older is a sense of perspective. I am more grateful for the many good things in life such as sitting on my patio each morning with my Sweetie, a cup of coffee and the local paper, and watching the birds and squirrels in the trees and at the feeders. Family and Good Health are on the top of the list of things I am thankful for. We are living longer than ever before but I believe it’s not just the number of years that counts. It’s how we live.
If I don’t wake up tomorrow, I’ve lived a good life It has been a wild ride but I'm enjoyed almost all of it!. But, in the meanwhile, I’m here to share with all of you the many things thatI’ve learned and experienced during all the many stages of my life.
Your Friend and Mentor
Joyce Reid